What Defines a Corticobasal® Implant?
Lateral basal jaw implants transfer the chewing forces over and under horizontal base plates or rings into the cortical bone. The implants show a “dual integration” and in immediate loading protocols they enable the chewing loads to be reliably transferred to cortical bone areas even before the “osseointegration”. Lateral basal implants enable intrusive and extrusive forces to be transferred into the bone.
Corticobasal® screw implants (e.g. BCS®) also belong to the group of basal implants if they are anchored laterally and medially bicortically (using IF® Method 6) or in the second or third cortex. Resorption-stable cortical areas should preferably be used for anchoring. Screwable Corticobasal® implants enable the transfer of intrusive and extrusive forces into the second or third cortex, as well as into other cortical bone areas.
Implants which, due to their design, offer the possibility of bone compression along their vertical axis and which are also anchored in the second or third cortex (combination implants), also belong to the group of Corticobasal® implants.